
Saturday, December 7, 2013

3 Different Personalities, Same Pack

My three Carolina Dogs have very distinct personalities. I know that I could tell them apart even if I could not see.
Daisy is very gentle and she will quietly approach me and lay her head softly on my leg or arm to ask to be petted. If I ignore her she may bump me with her head, but still gently. If I start petting or scratching her, she will stand there until she has had enough & then walk away.

Cooter will stand by me and stare at me. even if I cant see him I can FEEL him staring at me. He is very intense. If I ignore him, he will push his head on my arm or leg or he will jump up by me and push into me. He will move around to different positions to get scratched in new spots... He usually falls asleep getting petted, so he ends up laying on or by me so I can pet/scratch him while he snoozes. 

Bit is a little ball of energy. If she wants attention she will jump up in my lap, no matter what I am doing,  and shove her head into my face. If I ignore her she will smack me with her paw. I am trying to teach her not to do this! She will melt into me when I start petting her and is a great cuddler. I have to push her away, because she never gets enough! If I stop petting she will again smack me or poke me with her paw.
I love them all 3 and I just wanted to share how different they all are.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Writing on the Wall: United in Joy

The Writing on the Wall: United in Joy: I normally draw my picture for my blog but I am now REALLY sick, and should be in bed so am taking the easy way out and just using photos f...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Phone problems

I am having "technical issues" with my phone. I am missing calls & getting voice mails that are 3-4 weeks old as if they are just recent, dropping calls, buttons messing up... well I am going to have to get a new phone. grrr I hate getting new phones.

If you have called me about a Naturally Reared Carolina Dog, or about a raw feeding or Natural Care Consultation and have not heard back from me. I am so very sorry. Please email me @ . Thanks!  

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Time 4 Dogs: In Defense of Dog Breeders

Amen. Amen. Amen. And Amen!
Very eloquently written. This could be my own thoughts almost word for word!! I do breed dogs. I do charge money for the puppies. I do go in the hole on every litter, although I would love to make some cash for all the hard work I do. I  know that every person that has one of my puppies, treasures that dog as a valued family member. I know that every puppy I produce is healthy and thriving and intelligent and versatile enough to do whatever its owner challenges it to do. I educate each person that buys a puppy from me about care and health and training, and I am there for them all for the life of their dog. I am immensely proud of what I do with my Carolina Dogs.
Time 4 Dogs: In Defense of Dog Breeders: In Defense of Dog Breeders How Animal Rights Has Twisted Our Language by the late great JOHN YATES American Sporting Dog Alliance Reprin...

Monday, July 15, 2013

D.N.A. Backs Lore on Pre-Columbian Dogs

Original article found here:

D.N.A. Backs Lore on Pre-Columbian Dogs

John W. Adkisson for The New York Times
Peony, a Carolina dog. Some of the breed’s rare traits include a fishhook tail, a pointed, somewhat lupine face and the habit of digging snout pits.

BISHOPVILLE, S.C. — Inside a fenced acre on the swampy Lynches River flood plain in central South Carolina, seven of Don Anderson’s primitive dogs spring into high alert at approaching strangers. Medium-sized, they fan out amid his junkyard of improvised habitat: a few large barrels to dig under, an abandoned camper shell from a pickup, segments of black plastic water pipe and backhoed dirt mounds overgrown with waist-high ragweed.

Science Times Podcast

The Carolina dog has an American pedigree going way back — to the Ice Age; young people in a remote Australian village create a new tongue; a guide to the upcoming changes to health care.
  • 0:18
  • 7:13
    A Truly American Dog
  • 5:07
    Making a New Language
  • 7:19
    Navigating Health Care Exchanges
John W. Adkisson for The New York Times
Don Anderson keeps a number of Carolina dogs in Bishopville, S.C. Along with the Peruvian hairless and the Chihuahua, the Carolina dog lacks some genetic markers indicative of European origin.
These are Carolina dogs, and though they are friendly, one can instantly sense they are different from other dogs. Several rush to the gate, their whole bodies wagging eagerly. Others sprint off and take position — their jackal ears fully erect, their fishhook tails twitching like flags in a stiff wind. A black pup scrabbles away in crablike submission that eventually takes her into an underground den, dug deep enough that she is not seen again.
Walking into the pen is dangerous for only one reason: one of the dogs’ defining habits is digging snout pits, or gallon-size holes in the ground, perhaps to root for grubs or munch the soil for nutrients.
“It’s like a lunar landscape,” Mr. Anderson warns as we tread carefully into the underbrush.
Some Carolina dogs still live in the wild, and local people have long thought they were one of the few breeds that predated the European arrival in the Americas: “Our native dog,” as Michael Ruano, another enthusiast who often works with Mr. Anderson, put it. “America’s natural dog.”
Now, a new study of canine DNA backs up the folklore. A team led by Peter Savolainen at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden has reported that several dog breeds in the Americas — among them the Peruvian hairless, the Chihuahua and the Carolina dog — are without somegenetic markers indicative of European origin, suggesting they arrived in an earlier migration from Asia.
The study also reawakens the long debate about where and how dogs were domesticated. Current theory speculates that they are descended from wolves that somehow became attached to humans perhaps 12,000 to 33,000 years ago — an early amity that has an extensive pedigree in human folklore. (Think Romulus and Remus.)
But where that may have happened is not entirely settled. Some say the earliest dogs emerged in the Middle East. Others point to an area south of the Yangtze River in China. Dr. Savolainen’s study provides more evidence for the China hypothesis and, as a result, lends support to the idea that the earliest domesticated dogs crossed the Ice Age land bridge known as Beringia some 12,000 years ago.
Carolina dogs, then, could be camp followers that wandered off from their Paleo-Indian masters and took up residence in swampy areas where they can easily hide out from their own natural predators.
Encounter With a Puppy
Mr. Anderson, 79, is a Virginian who moved to South Carolina in 1961. He’s a garrulous man dressed in comfortable blue stretch pants, a pair of Crocs on his feet, and a headband to hold back shoulder-length hair that stubbornly retains some glints of blond.
He remembers the day, back in the Nixon administration, when he had his first encounter with these wild dogs. Down by a nearby water hole on his land, he spied a mother and three pups, and they immediately bolted.
“Two of the puppies went east, and one puppy tried to get out west and he got stuck,” he explained. He took the pup home and named him Tadpole.
Not long afterward a stranger saw the dog and offered Mr. Anderson $300 for what his neighbors called a “Lynches River wild dog.” He refused the deal, thinking, he says now, “if he’s worth $300 to you, then he’s worth $300 to me.”
Mr. Anderson soon learned that others called them Carolina dogs, a name given to them by I. Lehr Brisbin, a biologist with the Savannah River nuclear power plant, near Aiken, and the man most responsible for the current interest in the breed. In the early 1970s, Dr. Brisbin was employed checking out the wildlife on the periphery of the plant and often came upon these wild dogs in the swampier parts of his domain. He took a few in and today maintains an 18-acre enclosure where he has his own pack.
Dr. Brisbin got the Carolina dog recognized by the United Kennel Club and was the first to describe some of the breed’s rare traits, including the fishhook tail, the pointed, somewhat lupine face and the habit of digging snout pits. The dogs cooperate as a pack when they hunt a field mouse or a rabbit, possibly using their white hindquarters as signals.
“That white fishhook can be hoisted like a white-tailed deer’s and can flash back and forth,” Dr. Brisbin explained. “I saw them do it, and I saw the rest of the pack honor it.”
Carolina dogs typically go into heat once a year, like wolves, instead of twice, like domesticated dogs. They cover up their scat by pushing dirt over it with their noses, not by using their hindquarters to scratch the ground.
Still, determining just what is and is not a Carolina dog requires a kind of gut instinct. To Mr. Anderson, it’s a matter of “I know it when I see it”; Dr. Brisbin is more blunt.
“The Carolina dog is a breed created by Brisbin,” he said, referring to himself in the third person, “by picking dogs he likes, the type that he thinks typify the ancient dog.”

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Please watch out for my website launch at Nature's Way Pets  coming soon!

I will soon be beginning my career as a Carnivore Nutrition & Natural Pet Health Coach/Consultant. I am currently finishing up my course in Carnivore Nutrition and building my website, and I will be taking further courses in my education, but I will be available to consult a limited number of cases as I continue my studies.

If you are interested in learning how to assist your pet to thrive rather than just survive, using true carnivore nutrition and other healthy tips, consider a consult with me!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


East Tennessee Dingos and "mycarolinadog" and Nature's Way Carnivore Pets are entirely the creation of Susan Moore Lewelling and all pictures, original articles, essays,  graphics, etc  posted, belong to Susan Moore Lewelling and can not be reposted or shared without express permission.

**The above entities are not affiliated with and do not expressly support the missions of or any other websites or social media groups, even if we are linked or listed elsewhere unless listed here:

Friday, June 7, 2013

Just how did I get here from there? A bit about me...

I have received quite a few questions about how I got involved with Carolina Dogs and with Natural Rearing. I am going to attempt to explain without writing a complete book, which some people say that I should... maybe someday!
Growing up, we had pets my whole life, mixed breed dogs & cats we got from friends, or from the animal shelter.  When I was 18,  my parents bought me an AKC Rottweiler for Christmas.

Baby Bear Moore
Baby was a wonderful dog & my constant companion. She was my rock through lots of really hard times, she helped me raise both my kids & kept them safe through their young childhood years. She was from excellent show bloodlines, but she was always problematic health-wise. She had chronic yeasty ears & feet, bad smell, she shed awfully, had numerous skin problems, and in later years she had digestive issues & eventually seizures. She died of a seizure or a stroke at age 13.5 . Nothing the vet ever did or suggested helped her. I was heartbroken when she died, my whole family was. It was several years before I even thought of getting another dog. She was so in tune with me & I felt that no dog could ever compare to the bond I had with Baby. ( I realize now of course that all her problems went back to diet, chemicals & vaccines.)
Asheley, my 1st CD

Then, 3 years later  I watched a TV show one day, called "In Search of the First Dog". Danny, my husband (not a big dog person), said of the CDs that they sounded like great dogs and he might could handle having a dog like that... well it was I started searching. I was not on FaceBook back then, but I did have the internet!  CDs are not a common type around here in East Tennessee, we have mostly hounds & fiests. So I emailed every breeder & CD contact I could find(not many). I struck up a good conversation with Jane Gunnell and learned more about Carolina Dogs.

Cooter on the way home from Aiken, SC
Daisy & Cooter in Aiken SC
Finally, after much discussion, begging and even crying, I got a trip to Aiken, SC & my first CD Asheley (male) for my 10th wedding Anniversary. I was in love!!!! But, at about 4-5 months of age, Asheley was accidentally killed in our yard by my dad's truck. We were all devastated. I called to tell Jane and she was crying with me. I told her my Dad was going to buy me another CD puppy when she had another one available. 
She had a puppy she was holding from her other litter but she let me get him, so my dad drove me back to SC & we got Cooter, whom she encouraged me to show in the ARBA show in Atlanta that fall. My daughter was having major surgeries and medical problems at the time, so I wasn't able to commit to showing him. We discussed breeding him at a later date if everyrthing worked out.   
I was going to be the best dog owner ever and I did everything the vet said to do. But then he had a vaccine reaction, which the vet treated as a bee-sting & then as Demodex Mange for several months. When those treatments did not heal him,  the vet then said (same as he had with my Rottie) that he had "allergies" and would need to be on lifelong steroid treatments & allergy meds... I asked him about diet changes & vaccine reactions, and he treated me like an ignorant child.

my current pack, Cooter, Daisy & Bit
So I began researching, which led me to raw feeding, which led me to not using chemicals & learning about vaccinosis. I found an awesome Holistic vet who assisted me in detoxing Cooter & with proper appropriate diet he is fine now and has been for 5 years. We were very lucky that his reaction was not as bad as some I have since heard about!  
When Cooter was 2 we got Daisy, as a gift from Jane, as a mate for Cooter. Daisy was immediately switched to a raw diet, no more vaccines (except rabies) and no chemicals ever on her. 
'PR' Banbury's Tennessee Daisy Jane

Over the years I have fallen more and more in love with and in awe of these wonderful beings of nature's creation . They are so basic and primal in their actions and reactions yet so in tune with their human companions that it is uncanny. I could (and frequently do, to the frustration of my husband) spend hours just openly or covertly watching them interact, hunt, and do all the fascinating things that they do, even lounging on the couch! I can not imagine not having a Carolina Dog in my life now. 
BC Tennessee Whiskey CooterBug

Cooter is now retired from his career as a pet-assisted therapy dog and Daisy didn't get to participate in the program because of their ignorant ban on raw fed pets. But that is another story  These are the most loving, sensitive and healing dogs that I have ever had the blessing to live with.
 My carolina Dogs have totally won over my Husband, the non-dog-person, so that now he even lets them sleep in the bed with us. Cooter has laid by my side all day when I had a stroke, he has brought happiness and comfort to many Alzheimer's sufferers, and laid patiently beside a child as they struggled to learn to read to him. They have comforted a family member as she was battling and dying of cancer, tended a newborn baby, been a playmate for a toddler and a teenager, a hiking, farming and gardening companion and provided me a place to sob during the worst time of my life(when my baby grandson died) and dried my tears with their fur & kisses. Carolina Dogs are so much more than I can say, more intuitive, more fascinating, more fun, more versatile and more challenging than I ever imagined or can describe. I truly believe they are DOG, what God created when he made the first dog to be a companion for humans, before we humans started tinkering with them for our own purposes. Carolina Dogs are what a dog is supposed to be. 
'PR' Tennessee's Swamp Molly LilBit
I have been researching raw feeding, and Natural rearing for 5 years now and last year I began studying Small Animal Naturopathy with American Council of Animal Naturopathy (  and I hope to complete my course of study and begin consulting as a Animal Health Coach &/or a Carnivore/Pet Nutrition Consultant. 
I am a Responsible Natural Rearing Breeder of Carolina Dogs. Cooter and Daisy have had 2 litters,  one Fall 2011, one Spring 2013. All 12 puppies are in wonderful homes, that are continuing the Natural Rearing.  I mentor all of them as needed & stay in regular contact with them all on a regular basis.  Bit is from the 2013 litter, she was a runt & we spent so much time & love on her that we fell in love & so we decided to keep her.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

NEW Carolina Dog Rescue Site

I would like to introduce to you a link to a new Carolina Dog type Rescue website, directed and managed by some very good friends of mine. 


Our Mission: 

Is to identify and offer assistance to Carolina Dog types that are in high kill shelters, found as strays, or with other rescues. Our goal is to save their lives and get them into a permanent home through adoption. Due to their distinct behaviors it's important that we find the right home for each of the dogs in our rescue.

Saving Carolina Dogs was started by a few people who owned Carolina Dog types and wanted to do more for the breed they had come to love. It began on Facebook and has now evolved to a non-profit rescue group that has created a network of volunteers and fosters across the country.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Puppies and Their New Families

Well the puppies are 10+ weeks old now and have all gone to their new homes. Below are the pictures of the day they left with their new families, hopefully in a few weeks I can post some follow up pictures and updates on how they are doing. I will miss them every one, but I am confident that they are all in wonderful loving homes that are going to continue on with the Natural Rearing and they will have long healthy happy lives with their families. 

Gemma, pictured with Veronica will be living with Veronica & Alison Merryfield   in BC, Canada!

Sadie and the Ewart family, George, Colleen, Morgan & Mia will be residing in south-western Pennsylvania.    

CJ with Joshua & Hannah Tirado and family will be living in Minnesota.  

Swamp Molly (aka Bit) will be part of our pack here in East Tennessee. 

Milo will be living in Tampa, Florida with Todd & Jeannie Willsie. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2013 Litter 9 weeks old

The puppies are 9 weeks old now and are getting ready to meet their new families and move on to their forever homes. We will miss them, but we know they are already loved and cherished by their new families and they will have love, the best of natural care and wonderful lives, so that knowledge makes it easier on us.

The whole litter 

Sable boy, now named CJ, belongs to the Tirado Family in Minnesota.  

Red girl, name pending, belongs to the Merrifield family in BC, Canada

Tri-Pied Girl, Now named Sadie, belongs to the Ewart family in Pennsylvania. 


C.J. Tirado

Cream Pied Boy, now renamed Milo, belongs to the Willsie family in Florida. 

This is the runt, Squeaker, renamed, Tennessee Swamp Molly LilBit, aka Molly-Bit, is staying here as part of the Lewelling & East Tennessee Dingos family. 

Milo & CJ


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

8 Steps to Switching from Kibble to Raw Feeding for Dogs

When switching a kibble fed dog over to Raw, this is our general protocol. This is for an adult dog with no life threatening medical conditions. If your dog has a severe medical condition, you CAN still switch you will just need to modify some things and be more careful. Consulting a Naturopath, Carnivore Nutrition Consultant/Coach or other RAW TRAINED Veterinary Professional is advisable in those situations. Switching a puppy is also a little different, so please watch for the "Switching a puppy" tips included if you have a puppy or a tiny toy breed.  
1. Educate yourself on raw feeding, the healing crisis, your pets medical conditions. Don’t hesitate to ask questions.
here are 2 articles about the healing crisis / Detox

2. Fast for 24 hours minimum. Up to 48 hours is ideal(aka skipping one whole day of feeding). This gives the old stuff time to get out and starts the digestive juices producing more enzymes for proper digestion.  Make the switch cold turkey, do not mix kibble/canned/cooked food with raw food. One day you feed kibble, skip a day or at least 24 hours, and then feed a whole meal of raw. It is fine for a healthy adult dog to miss a whole day’s food. It will not hurt them, it may make YOU feel bad, but they will be fine.
Fasting will also ensure your  dog is truly hungry, so they will be more likely to dig right in to the raw. Just because your dog is a voracious kibble eater, does NOT mean he will take to raw right away, likewise, just because your pet is a  super picky eater, doesn’t mean she will automatically turn her nose up a  meaty chicken leg!
*PUPPY TIP* Do not fast a puppy or tiny toy breed. they are at a higher risk of hypoglycemia. Just feed them raw at the next meal when you decide to start them.  

3. Pick a meat/protein (beef, chicken, deer) Your next thing to do is pick what protein you are going to start with. Many people start with chicken, because it is usually easier to get, has edible bone included and it is relatively bland, so easy on the tummy.
If your dog has a chicken allergy it would be worth trying organic, free range chicken at some point, because most “allergies” are to the processed, denatured chicken or chicken meal used in most kibble, not to mention the unhealthy state of most factory farmed chickens that are used in pet food production! 
I think Kim prefers starting with Beef, which is fine, it does need to be balanced with edible bone. 
I prefer to start off with green/raw tripe. It has all your enzymes and probiotic included to get your pet off to a great start and is perfectly balanced with the correct calcium/phosphorus ratio so no bone need be added.  
Deer/Venison is also a good alternative, same as beef, it must be properly balanced, Ca/Phos ratio with edible bone. 

4. Have a good probiotic & digestive enzyme supplement to give daily for about the first month or so or start off with grass fed organic tripe as your first protein. 
 plant base Digestive Enzymes

5. What do I feed? RATIOS
Prey Model Raw is based on the 80/10/10 ratio. (I say 80/10/5/5)
80 % muscle meat- any muscle in the body, including stomach, heart & lungs
10% EDIBLE bone depending on your dog's size, this will vary, for example- from quail (small chicken-like fowl) for toy dogs, to deer legs, beef ribs and such for extra large dogs. Also some dogs need more bone and some less so this amount can be tweaked as well.
5% LIVER the liver is a filter organ (along with the kidneys) so toxins can build up in feed stock that are exposed to toxins & chemicals, so it is better to spend a little extra in this area and get organic or free range/grass fed liver.
5% OTHER SECRETING ORGANS this includes: kidney, brain, reproductive, spleen, eyeball, pancreas, etc.
*PUPPY TIP* all dogs need the same proportions whether they are weaning or prime of life or elderly (unless a medical condition exists) and regardless of their size or breed.

6. What do I feed ? Protein sources.  Variety is key to successfully feeding PMR. If you provide your dog the correct ratios of meats from a variety of quality sources you will not need to supplement a healthy dog for anything.
Here is a list of suggestions of meats you can feed, but it is incomplete, because Im sure I will leave out some! basically any non-meat eating animal that is not full of toxins. Wild game(hunted or road killed) is fine as long as it is frozen for 2 weeks to kill parasites and is not rancid.
Beef(cow/ox), sheep/lamb, goat, venison/deer, horse, antelope, moose, bison, llama, ostrich, alpaca, pig, kangaroo, turkey, chicken, duck, wild fowl, rabbit, guinea pigs, mice/rat, squirrel, groundhog, beaver, fish-freshwater trout, bass, etc & sea fish-salmon, herring, sardines, whitefish, eggs etc.

As a general GUIDELINE, you feed 2-3 percent of your dogs IDEAL ADULT Weight (IAW) you will have to adjust this higher or lower depending on your dog's metabolism, exersize and lifestyle.
*Please remember that the majority of dogs are overweight, this is very hard on their joints as well as their heart and other systems. People tend to want to not see the ribs but in many breeds, SLIGHTLY seeing the rib or at least being able to easily feel them! Ask your breeder or vet what is ideal for your dog.

For a FIT dog, start with 2.5%. If he gets chunky looking, gradually decrease the amount (over 1-4 weeks time) to 2% or lower if needed, same if he gets TOO thin, increase the amount gradually. This is something that may change throughout your dogs life, depending on health and circumstances. 
You will need to adjust this if your dog is overweight (start at 2%)  or underweight (start at 3-4 %).
*Remember these are guidelines and you should feed to BODY CONDITION rather than weight only.
As example: a 50 pound dog @ 2.5%
50 X 0.025 = 1.25 pound (per day) DAILY TOTAL
you can break that down to ounces  1.25 X 16(ounces) = 20 ounces per day
20 ounces X .01(bone) = 2 Ounces of that
20 X .05(organ/liver) = 1 Ounce  of that
so a days meal would consist of 17 ounces muscle meat, 2 ounces bone, and 1 ounce liver and 1 ounce other organ.

You can also figure that per week  just multiply each value by 7 or multiply the Daily total by 7 then do the calculations for the percentages. and the liver, bone & other organ can be fed daily or just on a few days per week as long as the amount is correct for the week.

*PUPPY TIP* puppies only ! they need 2-3 % of their Expected Adult Weight(EAW) or 5-10% of their Current Weight. They need to eat 3-6 times a day depending on age, so that amount would be divided by how many meals you will be feeding them.  Figure that with the same formulas you would use for an adult. As with adults, this is only a guideline. You will have to keep an eye on your pup and watch their body shape, also a puppy will tell you they are hungry!!
I let my puppies eat until they are full,  and they are perfect at self regulating, I have never had an overweight puppy. Also that sets up good habits for when they are adults. Of course you will have puppies from different situations and those few that will never stop eating, so if they are eating almost their whole day's amount at breakfast, then you know you will have to control their intake a little more strictly.

8.  Just do it. Once you make the decision, and are prepared with some raw meat for your dog, go for it!
Don’t put it off, don’t make excuses, the animal shelter or local rescue will be happy to take your donation of kibble, we are here for you if you have questions or an unexpected situation.
 Just don’t forget to keep us updated and take before & after pictures, so you can tell your friends in a few weeks how AWESOME raw feeding is!!!!